
Brand Development

A professional services brand is best understood as your firm’s reputation and its visibility in the marketplace. The strength of your brand can be measured as Reputation X Visibility.

There is another important dimension of your brand as well: how relevant it is to your target client audience.     


Brand development is the process of creating and strengthening your professional services brand. As we help firms develop their brands, we divide the process into three phases.

  • The first phase is getting your brand strategy right and aligned with your business objectives.
  • Second is developing all the tools you will need to communicate the brand, such as your logo, tagline and website.
  • Finally, there is the phase of strengthening your newly developed or updated brand.

1- Business Strategy

A business strategy is a powerful tool for helping you reach your business goals, defining the strategies and tactics you need to take within your company.

It is the outline of the actions and decisions a company plans to take to reach its business goals and objectives. The strategy defines what the business needs to do to reach its goals, which can help guide the decision-making process for your brand, what type of brand you want to build?.

2- Defining Target Audience

One of the biggest mistakes that budding brands make is trying to appeal to everyone. Think about the game of darts: You have to aim in order to hit the board. (If you let your darts go without aiming them, you probably won’t be very popular.) If you hit the board, you score. And if your aim is very good and you hit the bull’s eye, even better!

3- Brand Positioning

The best way to think about brand positioning is to understand that the purpose of it is to positioning your brand in the mind of your customers. Brand positioning is also referred to as a positioning strategy, brand strategy, or a brand positioning statement.

4- Messaging Strategy

Brand messaging is the overarching term for the words used by your brand. It’s the language and phrasing that appears on your website and in other materials you use to promote the brand.

It’s much more than a slogan or tagline (though they do form part of a brand messaging strategy). Neither is it your brand itself (although it does play a big part in developing a successful brand).

5- Identity

The terms “brand” and logo” are often used interchangeably. But though a logo can be the symbol of a business, it is not the entirety of a brand. In fact, creating a logo is just one small step toward developing a strong brand identity.

With millions, if not billions, of businesses trying to make a name for themselves, having a strong brand has become crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

5- Brand Equity

Brand equity describes the level of sway a brand name has in the minds of consumers, and the value of having a brand that is identifiable and well thought of. Organizations establish brand equity by creating positive experiences that entice consumers to continue purchasing from them over competitors who make similar products.

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