
Digital Marketing

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” –Simon Sinek, Bestselling Author, Motivational Speaker, and Marketing Consultant

The number of people who go online is increasing with every passing second, and if you still haven’t fully explored the potential of digital marketing, then it seems like you are still working in the stone age. More than 75% of marketers believe that traditional marketing is insufficient to meet the increasing competition and needs to be accompanied by Digital Marketing to increase its revenue. As per Smart Insights-2020, 45% of organizations still don’t clearly define and structure the digital marketing strategy. If you belong to the above category then it puts you behind 55% of businesses that are capitalizing through effective digital marketing solutions. 

Digital marketing helps you fulfill your business goals through multiple digital channels such as websites, search engines, social media, mobile marketing, and emails. We specialize in all things ‘internet’ that assist your business build a great digital presence. Whether you’re a newbie in the market or a seasoned veteran, our digital marketing strategies help you exceed your business goals.

We know that taking the right “marketing” decision is not easy, hence we help you make apt digital marketing decisions and use the right marketing techniques that target the right audience, convert them into leads, increase your ROI and help to surpass all competition. Our modes of digital marketing are innovative, adaptable, quicker, quantifiable, and result-driven.



Search Engine Optimization



Search Engine Marketing



Social Media Advertising



Social Media Management



Paid Email Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation

As per the latest internet research, 57% of SEO experts rank content creation and content marketing as the number one way to drive the best search marketing results.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website using organic strategies and techniques. As per Forbes, close to 40% of customers search online before making a purchase and using our array of subsumed tools, and we ensure your brand features in this list.  We consider your brand specifics and use intricacies and components of SEO and create a customized program for you. Our job is to provide solutions that drive results.

Search Engine Marketing

According to Google, people conduct more than 100 billion Google searches each month. People no longer go online. Instead, they practically live in a digital world. Since the average time people spend searching for something, they want is close to a minute, our marketing tools at CORTEX can assist your brand reach these in-market shoppers quickly and efficiently via Search Engine Marketing.  SEM is a science and many businesses do not know its use, we use a combination of digital marketing tools that get you more leads and best results.


Social Media Advertising

Remember, the ads that pop up when you are browsing through your favorite web platform, such as Facebook, Instagram, etc., is what Social Media Advertising (SMA) is all about. Ads that appear on various social media sites help to promote the brand, product, or service. These ads on social media advertising platforms comprise mostly paid advertisements that involve a crisp and clear copy and great graphics.  Cortex helps you curate these ads and successfully runs these campaigns for you.

Social Media Management

Social Media Marketing (SMM) helps your brand to establish reliable, worthy and long-lasting connections.  73% marketers believe that SMM is extremely effective for business. We too believe the same and work with you to develop an efficient social media marketing plan based on your business objective and help you attain the results you desire. Right from organic Instagram traffic to networking and conversations across LinkedIn and Facebook, we help curate strategies that are accurate and help your brand grow.



Email marketing service is one of the most vital tools for doing business in cyberspace. Did you know that as per research by HubSpot, marketers sent 27% more emails during the Pandemic than they did in the pre-COVID-19 era?  Emails are traditionally known to enrich communication and allows companies to personalize their messages, thereby producing better results than advertisements on TV and radio. Email marketing is one of the most effective tools for nurturing leads and converting them to repeat customers. We possess the expertise of sending engaging messages and converting prospective buyers to repeat buyers.

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