
Social Media Advertising

Did you know that in this ever-evolving world, one ad on social media could transform the landscape of your business completely? With social ad impressions increasing by 20% every year, social media advertising is the only marketing tool that can bring you consistent results from day one!
Social media advertising or targeting means presenting ads that convey your brand’s message to social media users. As per studies, 49% of consumer behavior is impacted by influencer recommendations on social media.

Based on user behavior, interactions with a certain social media platform, and other user details, most social networks serve highly relevant and essential information to their consumers. For a business to directly reach out to people, this is a handy tool. By aligning the target market with various user demographics of a social media platform, social media advertising can lead to a huge increase in conversions and sales, and that too with a very little investment. This is why close to 50 million small businesses are using Facebook pages to connect with their customers. 
At Cortex, we help you scale your business and take it to the masses by addressing your objectives through tried and tested social media and advertising strategies. We help you deliver measurable results in sales, leads, and branding, additionally offering an incredible ROI and helping you reach a large audience.
Why is SMA the best?

Which are the best social media networks to place ads?

New social media networks are sprouting up now and then, but it is important to start with the most profitable ones to get the best results. Different types of social media platforms are:

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