
Strategy & Consultation

Does the process of building and executing a digital strategy seem very confusing to you? Are you not generating enough leads and ROI from the current marketing investments?

Despite the massive influence of digital marketing on the world’s economy, a lot of businesses are unable to utilize it effectively. This is where we step in to take over. From being able to modify customer experiences to delivering advanced data analytics, or implementing holistic business solutions, we possess the technology, strategies and industry expertise your business needs to grow.

What is digital strategy?

Digital strategy means being able to achieve business goals using a tried and tested strategy on a digital medium. It involves the use of ideas, techniques, solutions, and media. It reforms the way one conducts business and provides a competitive advantage additionally increasing brand value. We were once where you are today. Hence, we know how you feel. And that’s why we’re able to provide you with the solutions that would best suit your business needs.  We analyze the possibilities and risks of the constantly evolving businesses and combine effective digital strategies to get you the most cost-effective results. Our mission is to help you brand get forward and be the best in business.


But is your current strategy built taking into account changing market trends, economic fundamentals, industry dynamics and increasing competition? 

Why is it important for your business to have a clear strategy?

Imagine how a business invests everything they can possibly save into a digital marketing strategy that doesn’t work. The business can’t grow because they’ve not generated enough revenue and they can’t invest anymore because they don’t have much left. There could be many reasons to failure:

1. Changing trends – Take the Pandemic for instance. Who expected it? People who invested in advertisements attracting store visits lost whereas those who went for home delivery benefitted

2. Economic trends – inflation, recession and many other aspects

3. Competition – who’s new in the market and what is he doing?

We help to create a thorough strategy process using insights and data to create a remarkable digital presence that reflects your best self. We’ve definitely got you covered in all aspects of digital marketing by taking on-going trends and future forecasts into account. With us, your ship is going to sail through. 

How can Cortex help in presenting your strategic options?

Ideate, Build, Deliver and Repeat.

When creating an effective digital marketing strategy, we usually start from the end-result. This simply means that we begin our work, keeping your business results in mind.  We blend the traditional marketing services with the new age digital marketing and design solutions that are crafted for today’s growing market. Our job is to offer a full range of digital marketing strategy services, social media campaigns, collaborations, content marketing strategy, digital marketing automation, email marketing, customer relationship management, and much more.  At Cortex, we blend different and unique elements while building an effective brand strategy for all our clients in Dubai and across the region. When you partner with us, we help you reach new customers, achieve your business goals, and ensure that our efforts are focused on the only thing that matters – Your brand. 

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a powerful tool for mass production. If you think about a car assembly line, first, you break the car into pieces, and then you move them along together and assemble it at the end. This is how you should visualize what marketing automation will do. It will break your marketing campaigns into singular pieces that you can double, triple, quadruple, and then put together and drive results over and over again for your website.


Marketing Automation

One important thing to understand is that marketing automation is not going to do the marketing for you.


Email Marketing

Email marketing improves your response time and increases customer engagement by almost 68%.

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