
Web Design UX/UI

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
-Steve Jobs
Design is all around us, right from us using our phones, to our homes to what we eat and what we do, it’s all impacted by design.
When people are given just 15 minutes to consume content, 66% of them chose to associate with something that is beautiful, engaging, and well-designed vs something regular, and non-interactive.
There are 1.5 billion websites in the world which make the digital marketing competition pretty evident. As per the statistical report for UX (User Experience), 75% of users judge a website’s credibility based on how their website looks and performs. It is the process that design teams across the globe use to create products that offer a meaningful, valuable, and relevant experience to its users. It includes elements of branding, design, usability, and functionality, it also focuses on durability and aesthetics.
Even though time has evolved and we live in a dynamic world, we are constantly wanting consumer experiences with a product or service to be intuitive, smooth, and pleasant. UX designs don’t just lay the groundwork for when the product is in use but also for before and after use phases. UX designs control our smartphone experience, virtual and augmented reality, and artificial intelligence.
UX designers at Cortex, our focus lies on not only making the software easy to use but also invest our efforts in creating a personalized and effective marketing campaign, while offering a great unboxing and seamless troubleshooting experience. Our aim is to provide you with a design, product, and service that fulfils the need of your consumers, to begin with.
As a 360-degree content and UX design agency in Dubai, we ensure that we work closely with all our clients to provide them with a website design experience that is transformational and drives excellent results across all spaces. Our goal is to offer brands better designs than the ones they originally found. It’s all about making the initial intentions, final reflections, help, service, and maintenance work seamlessly together.
To do all of this, we begin by studying the needs of your business, analyze your competitor’s performance, and recraft your offerings while offering solutions that help to generate more leads, traffic increase conversions, and up your ROI. Our job is to help you incorporate a blend of efficient elements such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, voice commands, and compelling storytelling tactics in your UX designs.
What makes a great User Experience?
To begin with, UX is not just about the usability of a product but a lot more.
Useful – A product needs to serve the purpose it has been created for. If it doesn’t fulfill the requirement of its target audience, then it is highly unlikely to attract attention in the highly competitive market of today.
Usability – No matter how classy or aesthetically pleasing a product is, if it doesn’t let the users effectively and efficiently achieve their end objectives, it is not valuable to them as it lacks usability.
Searchability – What good is a product if it’s not easy to find? Right from finding content on a webpage to searching for music on the web, it all needs to be easy and quick as it leads to a great user experience.
Credibility – Your audience should place their trust in the product provided. The information you provide and the product’s sustainability is of prime importance to maintain the consumer’s faith in your product. One needs to ensure that the product lives up to what it promises.
Desirable – From creating a great image identity to following a good branding strategy, aesthetics, and designs that connect emotionally, these factors make your product desirable. The desirability of a product is sure to increase your audience and hence is important for your UX too.
Accessibility – When a product or a service is to be designed, it needs to be created keeping in mind its accessibility across a full range of abilities. Doing this will also improve how people perceive your brand emotionally.
Valuable – Any given product is considered valuable when it adds value to consumers and businesses alike. The value factor of any product is the end result of all the above factors of user experience combined together.
How does it help your business scale-up?
Reduces costs by eliminating errors and enhancing content during the prototyping process.
This leads to an increase in conversions by making things easy for your users and clearly defining your CTAs.
Since a good UX plays an important role in Google’s search algorithm, a great UX design leads to a healthy SEO ranking.
Increases word of mouth referrals and also helps improve your brand loyalty, eventually assisting your brand to stay afloat at all times.
Programming languages
A programming language is a computer language that is used by programmers to develop instructions, software programs, and scripts for computers to execute. There are approximately 700 programming languages that exist as of today.
Portability, scalability, being multi-threading, accuracy, efficiency, security, and compatibility with Android make Java, Python, JavaScript, C++ some highly relevant programming languages useful in the business field. Despite the constantly evolving digital marketing and business trends, we help you choose a platform that is sustainable, cost-effective, and helps your brand scale to new heights.

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