
Social Media Management

Do we really need to tell each other how big social media is? With 3.81 million people using social media worldwide, it accounts for 63% of the world’s population that is active on social media platforms.
As a business, you probably invest a lot of time, marketing budget, and efforts into creating stellar content for social media but are still not able to drive the results you need. On the contrary, your competitor is driving new leads, conversions, and sales regularly. You must wonder, how does one manage social media to generate more revenue and increase ROI? 
Right from the way we interact with our loved ones to how we conduct our business; social media has transformed everything. According to website- searchenginewatch.com, social media influences 71% of consumer buying decisions. However, there are way too many marketers and businesses that create ineffective social media strategies that drive followers instead of winning them over.
What’s wrong with the social media strategy? It’s either too bland, too pushy, over-friendly, or very predictable. Social media management is like putting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that leads to a great result. Besides generating interest, it should also help you nurture leads and close deals. With Facebook being the most widely used social media platform by brands across, every business needs to focus on multiple marketing platforms. Reports suggest that Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are the most profitable social media platforms to drive business.
“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook
Social media is definitely about great pictures, entertaining videos, and quirky captions, but, it goes beyond that as well. You simply cannot post something and then check your social media apps every few minutes to check your likes and comments. A business needs the guidance and expertise of a social media and digital marketing agency to help you move forward. This is where we happily step in.
Right from raising awareness about your brand to generating more leads to making sure your customers scout social media only for you, we handle all your social media requirements and campaigns.

Engage, Encourage, Enlighten and Elevate your audience

Considering more than a quarter of the world is on Social Media, we develop social media strategies that align targeted audiences with your business, services, and products. This includes creating exceptional content that targets customers across each platform. We excel at preparing social media calendars, driving and monitoring engagement, community management, and conducting in-depth analysis for social media channels.
We understand that being everywhere at the same time is not possible and doesn’t guarantee results. To get ahead in business, we help analyse the market and keep an eye on your competitor’s social media platforms as well. Besides formulating a great social media strategy, we also update ourselves with the latest trends to make sure we aren’t lagging behind in the race.

What’s on our minds?

When was the last time you logged into social media to search for a particular product or service because you couldn’t get it off your mind? Well, that’s the impression we help your brand make on your customers.
As a premier digital marketing agency in Dubai, we understand that Content is not the King but the entire kingdom as well. Hence our job is to make sure that your audience never gets bored. According to social media today, 86% of B2C companies and 89% of B2B have already implemented content marketing strategies for their business and we never want our people to lag behind. We are always on the lookout for what’s new and this eagerness helps us stay updated with the latest trends and knowledge of social media platforms. Keeping this in mind, we create bespoke content strategies for our clients that help them stay ahead of the competition.
Right from creating content about products and services to creating content about quirky days like world pizza day, we do it all. We monitor hashtag performance and help you create and promote new ones as well. We are of the opinion that every consumer and ever social media platform has unique needs and demands and we at Cortex go all out to fulfill them
Connect with us today if you want to attract new customers, increase your revenue, generate more sales, and to have the best-in-class customer experience.
When was the last time you logged into social media to search for a particular product or service because you couldn’t get it off your mind? Well, that’s the impression we help your brand make on your customers.
As a premier digital marketing agency in Dubai, we understand that Content is not the King but the entire kingdom as well. Hence our job is to make sure that your audience never gets bored. According to social media today, 86% of B2C companies and 89% of B2B have already implemented content marketing strategies for their business and we never want our people to lag behind. We are always on the lookout for what’s new and this eagerness helps us stay updated with the latest trends and knowledge of social media platforms. Keeping this in mind, we create bespoke content strategies for our clients that help them stay ahead of the competition.
Right from creating content about products and services to creating content about quirky days like world pizza day, we do it all. We monitor hashtag performance and help you create and promote new ones as well. We are of the opinion that every consumer and ever social media platform has unique needs and demands and we at Cortex go all out to fulfill them
Connect with us today if you want to attract new customers, increase your revenue, generate more sales, and to have the best-in-class customer experience.

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